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妊娠剧吐营救措施之~ 患者急救

分类:妊娠剧吐 新闻中心 1736 0


Under highly critical and unique circumstances within Mainland China, where patients are experiencing severe symptoms of HG to the point that it has become life-threatening, and they are unable to arrive at Beijing to receive our Antai HCG Desensitizer.

Under these special circumstances, Beijing Antai Hospital is willing to send medical personnel to the patient’s location, equipped with our HCG Desensitizer treatment, where it is to be administered by our trained medical personnel to said patient and within 4-8 hours, symptoms will have alleviated significantly where said patient is then capable of traveling with our medical personnel back to Beijing, where she can receive the full treatment under close monitoring.

However, patients must bear the cost of round-trip air tickets of both her and the medical personnel and for the administered desensitizer treatments (2500 yuan for each jab). The desensitizer treatment fee can be refunded immediately if patient agrees with signing a contractual agreement with the hospital.

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