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From Despair to Hope: A Journey of Triumph over Uterine Fibroids

分类:Infertility 子宫肌瘤 秒懂安太 784 0

I am Sun Lijuan, a patient from Fushun City, Liaoning Province. Looking back to the summer of 2009, I was diagnosed with a large uterine fibroid, measuring approximately 12 centimeters. In search of treatment for this condition, I visited various major hospitals within the province, hoping to find a solution. However, all the experts unanimously suggested that the only option was to undergo a hysterectomy, while I wished for a minimally invasive procedure. Unfortunately, none of the specialists could meet my request.


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Faced with this treatment dilemma, I once refused to continue with the medical care and returned home. But through the internet, I was fortunate to come across Dr. Chen Fenglin, the director of Beijing Antai Hospital. He promised me a contracted treatment that did not require a hysterectomy. Although I was filled with anticipation, I still hesitated and had some doubts.

Later, I went to the China Medical University once again and sought an appointment with Professor Zhang. He informed me that due to the large size of the fibroid, a hysterectomy was still necessary. I questioned why Dr. Chen Fenglin could remove the fibroid while he could not. In response, Professor Zhang laughed heartily, revealing that Chen Fenglin was his student, and he assured me that I was truly saved!

Upon hearing this news, I was overjoyed and tears streamed down my face. The next day, I firmly decided to set out for Beijing. When I arrived, I met with Director Chen Fenglin, who told me that the surgery was not complicated, but a simple procedure. His words filled me with excitement, and I felt incredibly lucky and happy.

After undergoing the examination on the following day, I proceeded with the surgery. Three days after the operation, I returned to my hometown. Since then, more than 14 years have passed, and I genuinely feel very happy and fortunate.

I want to sincerely express my gratitude to Director Chen Fenglin and the medical staff of his hospital. Without you, my life would have been completely different from what it is now. Thank you so much for being the guardians of my lucky journey, helping me regain health and happiness. My feelings of appreciation cannot be put into words. I hope that your path in medicine will continue to broaden, bringing benefits to even more patients. Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

标签:Beijing Antai HospitalChen FenglinhysterectomyUterine fibroiduterine fibroid surgery 上一篇: 下一篇:


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