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Endometrial Tuberculosis and Infertility – Understanding the Disease, Caring for Health

分类:Infertility 不孕不育 秒懂安太 1170 0

In recent years, the incidence of endometrial tuberculosis has been on the rise, attracting widespread attention. Endometrial tuberculosis is a disease caused by infection with tuberculosis bacteria, which leads to damage to the endometrium, resulting in similar injuries, scarring, and adhesions resembling curettage, and even the shedding of the endometrium. Patients may experience a significant reduction in menstrual volume or amenorrhea. Not only the cervix and uterine body are affected by tuberculosis, but the opening of the fallopian tubes may also be affected by adhesions. Therefore, the scope of lesions in endometrial tuberculosis typically extends beyond the endometrium itself and may involve areas such as the lungs, peritoneum, pleura, and pelvic cavity.

EndometrialTuberculosis, Infertility


Compared to two or three decades ago, the incidence of endometrial tuberculosis has significantly increased, which has raised our heightened concern. This disease requires sufficient attention. It is important to note that endometrial tuberculosis is often part of systemic tuberculosis or pelvic and abdominal tuberculosis, rather than occurring solely in the endometrium. It is highly unlikely to have endometrial tuberculosis without tuberculosis infection in other parts of the body.

If a patient has been diagnosed with tuberculosis in the past, especially with tuberculous ascites, and subsequently experiences a reduction in menstrual volume or infertility after recovery, it should raise a high suspicion of the presence of endometrial tuberculosis. For mild cases, surgical separation of the adhesions and the use of uterine molders to help restore the uterus to its normal shape can be considered. However, for more severe endometrial damage, the only option is to perform endometrial transplantation, where the endometrium of another person is transplanted into the patient’s body. If successful, it would be the best outcome. If the transplantation is not successful, surrogacy can be considered to achieve the desire for biological children.

Some may wonder if anti-tuberculosis drugs are necessary for the treatment of endometrial tuberculosis. In reality, these drugs are not suitable for treating the sequelae of tuberculosis. Just like a wound on our hand, even though it may be called a knife wound, it no longer makes sense to take medication for the wound because scars have already formed. Endometrial tuberculosis is just one of the sequelae of tuberculosis and does not require continued use of anti-tuberculosis drugs. Our primary goal is to repair the damaged endometrium.

For patients seeking treatment, Beijing Antai Hospital implements a contracted treatment approach. This provides patients with a more reassuring and reliable treatment option, enabling them to pursue health and happiness more effectively.

When facing health issues such as endometrial tuberculosis and infertility, it is crucial to increase our understanding of the disease and actively focus on personal physical health. Early detection of problems and seeking professional medical help and scientific treatment options will help improve the chances of recovery, restore fertility, and pursue a happy family life.

In summary, endometrial tuberculosis is a disease associated with tuberculosis bacterial infection that can lead to infertility. Through accurate diagnosis and treatment, we can help patients restore endometrial function and improve fertility. It is essential to strengthen our awareness of health issues, pay attention to our personal physical condition, and take appropriate measures early on to maintain our own and our family’s health and happiness.

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