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Uterine Malformations and Infertility

分类:Infertility 不孕不育 秒懂安太 330 0

Infertility can have various causes, and one of them is congenital uterine malformation. This article aims to discuss the types of uterine malformations, their impact on infertility, as well as diagnostic and treatment approaches.

Classification of Uterine Malformations
Uterine malformations encompass conditions such as congenital absence of the uterus, double uterus, unicornuate uterus, and rudimentary horn uterus. Each type has distinct characteristics and implications, and some malformations may be accompanied by other reproductive tract abnormalities.

Impact of Uterine Malformations on Infertility

Uterine malformations directly affect fertility. They can lead to infertility, miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, and biochemical pregnancies. Understanding the impact of uterine malformations on infertility symptoms helps in selecting appropriate treatment strategies.

Accurate diagnosis is crucial for the management of uterine malformations. Common diagnostic methods include panoramic 4D ultrasound, dynamic digital hysterosalpingography, hysteroscopy, and laparoscopy. These techniques provide detailed information about uterine structure, aiding in determining the type and severity of malformation.

Surgical Treatment with Uterine Reconstruction

Surgical intervention, specifically uterine reconstruction, is the primary treatment for uterine malformations. The goal of surgery is to reshape the uterus and restore its normal function. Depending on the type of malformation, surgeons choose appropriate surgical techniques and auxiliary devices, such as the uterine reconstruction device developed by Beijing Antai Hospital.

Unique Advantages of Uterine Reconstruction Device

The uterine reconstruction device invented by Beijing Antai Hospital offers unique advantages. It can create a pear-shaped uterine cavity, facilitating the restoration of normal uterine morphology. The use of the uterine reconstruction device requires skilled medical professionals, but it significantly improves the success rate of surgeries and treatment outcomes for patients.

Conclusion:Uterine malformation is a significant contributing factor to infertility, and accurate diagnosis and treatment are crucial for addressing infertility issues. Through the appropriate selection of diagnostic methods and the implementation of effective uterine reconstruction surgeries, patients can have hope for achieving their desire for healthy offspring. Seeking timely medical attention and professional treatment is vital for individuals with uterine malformations.



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